Cannot do hiking like your old days because you have kids now? No worries pack your backpacks and take your kids along with you. You can get more fun and enjoy your hiking life when you do hiking with kids and the whole family. Hiking provides the best quality time to spend with your children at wonderful places and give them a chance to enjoy, love and respect the Mother Nature.
To make your hiking trip memorable and make your children beg you to take them again, we have 20 tips for hiking with kids and get fun:
Make a plan first
Make your children comfortable by making a plan with them before going to hike. Making a good plan will prove a successful hiking. Give them a freehand to give their suggestions about where to go, when to go and what to take along.
Right Location
Try to find a place where your kids can enjoy more and can have many things to do. There should be more lakes, waterfalls, sceneries and some wild life to explore.
Pack your Bags
The backpack is the most necessary and important thing when hiking with kids. Before you go for hiking make sure you put the cloths according to the weather in your backpack and all the necessary things as well.

Have Patience
It will be a first hiking experience for them so they will ask so many questions from you when they saw any wildlife or any location for the first time. So be ready for such questions and have patience to answer them.
Take a Guide Map
Read the map with your children so that they can get more involved in the mission and take much interest in it.
Encourage Them
Kids are small and so do their steps. There are many situations in which they may stay behind. But you must encourage them all the time to continue their efforts.
Take your dog
If you have a dog, take it with you. Kids feel much joy when their pet is with them. Kids can play with them in a green hill field. Dogs are good guides as well so it can help you finding a way when you feel a little lost.
Don’t forget your Camera
A memorable hiking with kids means a memorable pictures of your kids. Stop at every interesting spot and take some shots of your kids in different poses. Your kids would love to share them on Facebook and with their friends.
Take Pauses
Kids can exhaust early, so some energy pauses are must while hiking. During that drink some water and try to take the stop on a scenic view, where they can enjoy the beauty of nature as well. A good way is to tell them about the place where you are right now and what to do next.
Enjoy the Lakes
Kids enjoy to swim and water so try to choose a place where you can found a good small lake or small waterfall. You will enjoy taking bath in the water while jumping in the lake from a low heighted tree.
Explore Places
Try to explore different places with them because at hiking you can have different sceneries and locations which have its own enjoyment.
Watch Animals
During hiking you can find different animals or insects. Stop and watch with them your kids would love it and feel exciting. Watching animals or crawling ones is itself an exciting thing to discover.
Make Them Guide
At some places make them lead the group it will develop the leading skills in your kids and change their position after a mile so that every kid can enjoy this guiding activity.
Keep them Busy
If your kids are active they can enjoy more try to make every of them busy in different task. Like one to go and collect some small branches, nearby, for making fire, other to make the camp with you etc.
Enjoy the snacks
Kids love snacks and it is good to enjoy the snacks with them during the hiking. They would love the hiking along with their favorite snacks.
Invite Their Friends as Well
Kids enjoy the company of their friends so make them invite their friends to go with them. By keeping their age fellows with them they would enjoy more.
Be friendly
At every step try to be friendly with your kids, make them comfortable with you. It will increase the chances that you know your kids more than before.
Do Camping
Try to make a night camping with them when go for hiking. Camping is itself an adventure for them. Teach them how to make a quick camp and how to get themselves comfortable in it.
Night Camp Fire
Sit around the fire near your camp with some marshmallows on a stick. Give a stick to each of them and tell them some good hiking stories of your life. It would be a great entertainment and encouraging for them.
TAKE CAUTIONS when hiking with kids
First aid
Whenever you want to go for hiking with kids the first thing you should pack is the first aid. Kids catch cold early, get allergic even from sunlight. So along with a good sunscreen take the complete first box along with you to keep them safe.
The post Hiking With Kids: Tips to Get Fun & Keep Your kids Safe appeared first on FlyingKids.