Interview with the author of the Kids’ Travel Guide – Japan: Damien Selby

Asia Damien Selby Interview Interviews Japan Kids' Travel Guide Kids' Travel Guide-Japan

On 10th of July we launched a new and fun Kids’ Travel Guide for the exotic country of Japan! We are always excited about launching a new guide for kids and this one was no exception.

Damien Selby, the author of the Kids’ Travel Guide – Japan, was really kind and answered a couple of questions in a short interview.

Read more about Damien and the creation of the new guide below:

Damien Selby - the author of the Kids' Travel Guide - Japan

Bio – introduce yourself, tell us a little bit about you and your work and anything you might’ve wrote that is not in conflict with our guide.

  • Hello, I’m Damien. I have been both a writer and an editor for a number of years. When I’m not writing and editing books, I spend my time travelling to a variety of places around the world.

Why did you want to write a children’s travel guide about Japan?

  •  This was my first real opportunity to write a travel guide aimed at children, and Japan is one of my favourite places in the world. Naturally, the two came together to help create the FlyingKids Kid’s Travel Guide – Japan.

What did you enjoy most about writing this book? 

  • I really enjoyed having the chance to share information about Japanese culture and history with a young audience, because there is so much exploring to be done in Japan, and a new thing to learn about around every corner.

Which part of the book do you like the most?

  • My favourite part of the book would have to be the section on Nara, one of my own favourite places to visit while in Japan. You can really have adventures there, bowing at deer who know how to bow back at you or watching men beat mochi, a type of famous Japanese rice cake! There is something for every child to enjoy in Nara.

Why should parents buy the Kids’ Travel Guide – Japan for their kids?

  • The Kids’ Travel Guide – Japan is the perfect carry-on item for any child, allowing them to explore their adventure in a unique way – and document it as they travel. They can learn about Japanese history and culture while also learning about different locations in Japan. They might even be able to teach you a thing or two about ordering food in Japanese restaurants!

Is there a special message you would like to deliver to the kids who read the guide?

  •  I would like all of the kids who are reading Kids’ Travel Guide – Japan to know that their adventure is their own to have and that there are a lot of different adventures to be had in Japan with their families. I hope that this book makes them even more excited about their trip, and I hope that it holds a lot of memories for them when they get back home!


Thank you so much Damien for this interview and for writing this wonderful guide for FlyingKids.

If you would like to have a sneak peak inside the Kids’ Travel Guide – Japan why not take a look inside the sample below:


If you are impressed and you would like to purchase the book please click HERE and you will be directed to the right Amazon store. Please note that when purchasing the paperback copy of the book you will get the Ebook Kindle version entirely FREE.

You also offer the Kids’ Travel Guides – Japan for SPECIAL PRICE of $7.9 / £6.9 for the coming two weeks. So what are you waiting for? Get your copy NOW!

Cool FREEBIE – Download for FREE Japan Coloring Pages HERE.


The post Interview with the author of the Kids’ Travel Guide – Japan: Damien Selby appeared first on FlyingKids.

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